28 October – The palm trees and the girls on the beach of Naples

How good is your knowledge of our favourite TV show? Do you have any interest in songs that appeared in the 20th Century? Do you know any songs that were in that long-distant period where everything was in black & white?

Well, if you want educating in black & white, you’ve come to the right place. Today’s birthday girl Cornelia ‘Conny’ Froboess did her stuff in the 1960s and sang one of the bigger-selling songs in the contest’s early days. It told of gästarbeiter in Germany, so addressed a social issue of the day that still applies too. Very far-sighted. Anyway, her song only finished sixth, but definitely punched above its weight in the being-covered-by-other-artistes stakes. Strangely, every jury that voted for Conny gave her more points than the eventual winner.

Conny is 80 today.

Frohe Geburtstag, Conny!