24 July – In the twilight it’s you that I enjoy

It’s repeat offender time again. You know the sort – They have a good/bad/indifferent result when they take part a first time. They get the bug and come back again. Repeat as necessary.

Today’s birthday girl Sigga (née Sigríður Beinteinsdóttir) appeared on a Eurovision stage four times. Yes, four! Only one was as a soloist, which is today’s pick. But she’d already done her time as a duo-ist, a group member and a backing singer. That’s some apprenticeship. Her time came in Dublin, and even though she didn’t actually win Söngvakeppni Sjónvarpsins. Never mind, her country was now getting used to not being the newby anymore, and she managed 12th place. Left-hand side of the scoreboard in today’s parlance for her third time. She came back as a backing singer in 2006, but the less said about that the better.

Sigga is 60 today.

Til hamingju með afmælið, Sigga!