6 November – We are the fruit

Ah, the home entrant. So much pressure, and yet so little. Although some countries have been daring enough to win a home contest (or two), we’re pretty sure it’s often the host broadcaster not to win again.

For the 2020 circus, the Dutch hosts picked today’s birthday boy Jeangu Macrooy. As we know, 2020 didn’t happen, but he was magnanimously given the gig again in 2021. Could he do the double? Well, it was unlikely? Could he finish runner-up? Arguably the best finish for a host country? Not quite. Top 10 then? Erm, not quite. Anyway, let’s just say he befell the fate often had by some of the Big Five. But he didn’t finish last. So there’s always an upside! Whatever happened, his 2021 song was probably better than the one he got for 2020.

Jeangu is 29 today.

Gefeliciteerd, Jeangu!