21 August – Tell me where to go

Time for a false flagger. It shouldn’t make any difference whether you’re singing for your own country or another one. However some countries have permeated the general fabric of Eurovision more than others.

Our friends in Poland are still looking for that first Big ESC win, even though they have done well in the Junior version. It’s been known that a Swedish hand could help your chances along, so in 2018 TVP sent local lad Gromee with today’s birthday boy Lukas Meijer to Lisbon. Native Swede Lukas sang the song that had a very summery flavour. Gromee provided the dad dancing. It proved a step too far for Poland to make it out of a cut throat semi-final, finishing a fair few points adrift of what was needed. But they did film the video in Barcelona and get a fortnight in Lisbon’s fair city out of it. But that first Polish win is still waiting for us.

Lukas is 34 today.

Grattis på födelsedagen/Wszystkiego najlepszego, Lukas!