Spain: Sunshine after the rain

Chanel performing SloMo, representing Spain in her second rehearsal
Chanel performing SloMo, representing Spain in her second rehearsal

There can be no doubt in knowing which country took the stage a few minutes back. In Swarovski chaps, Chanel’s performance is one matador away from being too Spanish. It’s likely to bring sunshine to a show plagued by its share of dismal rain.

There’s a ‘Fuego’ feel here – and even if lightning rarely strikes twice, I can’t see this outside the top ten. It looks great, sounds superb and is choreographed to within an inch of its life. There’s clearly money and time been put into getting this right. There’s a dance break in the middle that’s incredibly effective and perfect use of lighting.

What I like most, is that Chanel has brought a different mix of the song to the stage, paying back loyal fans who’ve been listening to the studio track for months. Add in a performer – who, like Sam Ryder – actually looks like she wants to be there and knows she has every right to own this stage, and you have a contender.

And this is from someone who didn’t rate the song one bit before today.