27 September – Deep inside and you’ll see all I kept under cover

It’s worth remembering that for almost every winner of our favourite TV show, there was a eager yet slightly disappointed runner-up. In times past this role was given to the UK of stuff.

However, in recent times, many countries have stepped into the role of runner-up. For two years in a row, it was our dear friends in Ukraine. You may remember Verka Serduchka, but the next year was a scantily-clad Каролина Мирославовна Куек/Karolina Myroslavivna Kuiek, who you might know better as Ані Лорак/Ani Lorak. Have you worked out how she came up with her stage name? Anyhow, she was in a strong year, and up against someone from a little further east. Any other year, I dare say Ani and her four funky dancers may have finished top of the pile. But it’s always the way with runners-up. Any other year…

Ani is 45 today.

З днем народження, Ані!