So, after sorting out the UK and nailing some colours to the mast, it’s time to get through the other fourty-two in alphabetical order…
**deep breath**
Albania it is then. I always get a sense of foreboding and dread whenever I hear an Albanian song – principally because they are always four minutes too long, and I ain’t getting that time back – And so it feels with this song.
Eugent’s song has an urgent backbeat, forcing you on in the first part of the song, but he doesn’t pick up and run with it. As the 1990’s guitars kick in, it fails to engage me because, well, it doesn’t do anything other than be a mid-tempo plodder. Once it has lost my interest it fades, in my mind anyway, to something akin to ‘hold music’ or a boring stock filler track.
I’m sure Urgent will perform it with gusto, and give it all he’s got, but when you get down to the bare bones, it’s got to get juries voting and people picking up the phone. It engages neither constituency to any degree.
Phil’s score (out of 12, naturally) – Three Points.