23 May – I’m in orbit all the way around you

The 2020 Eurovision season is over. Or at least would have been over, had it happened on Saturday. But birthdays go on. For some birthday at this time of year, we might still have been in a Eurovision season.

Is it coincidence that two winners celebrate their birthdays today? We’ll leave the more senior birthday girl for another time, so today it’s the turn of Lena Johanna Therese Meyer-Landrut, commonly known as Lena. She’s one of a very exclusive club (of two) who came back the year after they won to defend their title. And like Corry Brokken, she didn’t quite manage it. But back to 2010. Lena didn’t have inconvenience of fighting through a semi-final, and sailed to a win, scoring points from 37 countries. She got nine maxima, and left Turkey a very distant second. Germany’s previous win was a landslide too, so she belongs to a very exclusive club of German landslide winners. Naturally, the broadcaster ARD might have been relieved she didn’t do the double, but 10th ain’t bad.

Lena is 29 today.

Frohe Geburtstag, Lena!