18 November – A taste of bitter, a taste of dark

Our friends at the EBU encourage as many countries as possible to take part in our favourite TV show. Some decide against it, either due to funding or lack of interest by the broadcaster. Us diehard fans would love to see some of them back.

Slovakia is one of those countries that currently sit on the sidelines. At least they can point and laugh at Janko foreigner, but we do miss them. In 2009, after a long gap, they sent today’s birthday boy Kamil Mikulčík with his pal Nela Pocisková. They’d already got through a substantial selection process in Slovakia, so hopes were high. Their song made the top 10s of four countries voting in their semi-final, which was more than some that finished above them. That’s obviously a success. But in a hard-fought semi-final, it was always going to be tough to progress. It was maybe a result like that this that put RTVS off after 2012. But who knows, the same was happening with their neighbours the Czechs for years. And look at them now.

Kamil is 45 today.

Všetko najlepšie k narodeninám, Kamil!