Teleradio Moldova (TRM) has begun accepting submissions for a song to represent Moldova at the 2023 Eurovision Song Contest when it takes place in May in Liverpool.
Their website gives details, but it’s a short window of opportunity, with a closing date of 16 January. There’s no limit on how many times each songwriter/artist may enter, but performers must be citizens of the Republic of Moldova, and aged 16 or over. TRM is, however open to collaborations with non Moldovan artists, provided at least half of those performing are from Moldova.
National final
Submissions will be evaluated between January 17 and 28. The almost legenadry live audition stage kicks off after that and runs until 5 February, with a jury picking those which will progress.
A national final will be held between February 25 and March 5, 2023 and broadcast live on TV channel Moldova 1. The method of judging in the final will be: 50% jury and 50% viewers.