“Luna likes to derive as much kind energy as she can from the moon.” [Really? I’d never have guessed that from her name…]. “And when she lacks energy – she enjoys a cup of coffee!”
You can almost sense the passive aggression of copying and pasting this comment on the 2024 Polish entry’s page on Eurovision’s official website verbatim from a preposterous press release and leaving it to speak for its own ridiculousness. The Polish PR seems intent on presenting Luna with an air of mystery.
She certainly looks striking. The video features highly stylised versions of herself, with dancers, taking on a selection of protagonists in fierce games of chess, and standing on a plinth to illustrate her titular Tower. The video grabs your attention first and then you turn to trying to decipher both it and the song.
There are themes of self-determination here; she’s made the tower, she holds the power. She realises that you need to be self-sufficient in life, nobody else is going to do things for you. Talk of her destiny is echoed in the video as her final chess opponent could be an older version of herself, with the earlier games the battles she’s fought to reach her fate, the pieces representing the broken bodies scattered through her history about which she sings. Along the way we have rainbows, waterfalls, tiger’s eyes and other downright twaddle.
I can’t make my mind up on this – is it brilliant or is it all a bit naff? Hats off to Luna, she’s created a song I genuinely can’t decide whether I like or not. For that reason, I can only give it a mid-range score.
Photo: Dorota Szuc/EBU