The ‘Big 5’ have come in for a fair bit of criticism in recent years – mostly on account of how (with the exception of Italy and occasionally France), they appear to be making very little effort. This year, the German song selection process was ‘more of the same’, with another line-up of unadventurous songs. Perhaps, that’s why the only different one was always going to win – as if those in charge had already decided which one they wanted to send, but still needed to go through the motions.
First thought when this started, centred on how it had that Icelandic Hatari vibe. The effect was short-lived, as the song fast settled into a chuggy slice of cheesy Euro-rock. Indeed there are so many different ideas being welded together in this song, it ends up losing identity. There’s no real build, just an attempt to arrange the ideas in some form of coherent order to create maximum impact.
And that is where the fault lies for me. This is calculating, manufactured and the very definition of a dirge. Add in trite lyrics and you have the full …
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