This is the song set to close the final on the Saturday night, and it’s the perfect song to do that—a big party banger with money thrown at it.
After many years of sending no-hopers, the UK might have turned a corner. I don’t see this topping Sam Ryder’s result, but there will not be any shame in the home team’s score. Given the gloomy, low-power efforts littering the line-up, Mae is a most welcome addition. Unlike the apologetic entrants we sent pre-Ryder, Mae is in this for the career boost and experience. Her enthusiasm and charisma is wonderful.
The lyric isn’t half bad, reminding me of the late, great Kirsty Maccoll. The video is excellent, and everything will hang off the staging and live vocal. From what I’ve seen last week, the staging is spot on. Let’s cross fingers on the vocal mix.
8 Points