Iceland – knock on wood?

Systur at their second Eurovision rehearsal today in Turin
Systur at their second Eurovision rehearsal today in Turin

Iceland started with a false dawn here in the satellite press centre. They showed about 12 seconds of the girls singing and then moving in unison to the camera then decided to cut the feed so, yeah, that was a thing.

Don’t get me wrong – the song is lovely, and I like it a lot. It’s just like (to me) the girls don’t look to be relaxed and at home on this stage – they wear false Joker grins throughout, almost as though they are being made to sing this song at gunpoint (blink if you are, girls! The most exciting part is the intro to ‘Dallas’ being recreated with the three girls shot from different angles.

Vocally, it was spot on and, as I say, I love the song. It’s sweet and quirky and all of the good stuff. I just wish the performance was less wooden and more natural.

We only saw one run through so there isn’t a lot for me to comment on – sorry!