It seems that Serbia will be coming at you out of the Rat from Joe 90 – which is always a worthwhile prop in any old Eurovision.
<Oksana has just walked past with Zlata and Eurovision Ireland have run off to get an interview – lucky swines>
The question I want answering is “Does she bring her own trombone with her?” – Half way through the song we still don’t have the answer to that but through the magic of Television Katarina *has* changed her outfit and then the question is answered – She has brought her own trombone- well she hasnt it gets handed to her by the dancer that may, or may not, have a crush on her. The last 75 seconds of this is where the real issues are here, It seems unfinished and Katarina looks both uncomfy and nervous about what she is supposed to do – it didnt help that the camera rehearsal wasn’t quite the same as the submitted camera plan, lets say.
Thankfully she gets another couple of run throughs to get the timing and things spot on. On the second run the trombone handover looks less cumbersome but something is still not right, as m’learned friend to my right translates Kat’s ramblings between takes. On the final run through it still gets no better and you can clearly see she’s not singing the last note.
The whole aesthetic of this one is the whole “Porcelain doll in a music box” theme but I dont know if that works – I also didn’t know if the trombone in a shopping mall thing worked in the preview video either. It just feels unfinished..