A massive Semi Final – Who has qualified for the big show?

The final competition of the second big Saturday was the massive Romanian Semi Final.  Twenty, count em, TWENTY songs all took the the stage in Bucharest for a four hour spectacular where a politburo jury decided which ten songs qualified for the final on March 5th, by which time we’d have forgotten all the songs!

Song Performer(s)
All this love Alex Parker & Bastien
Embers Aldo Blaga
Ireligios Petra
Sparrow Vizi Imre
Never give up Vanu
Prisoner Malina
Llamame WRS
Take me Andrei Petrus
Guilty Møise
One night Gabriel Basco
România mea Claudia, Minodora & Diana
Utopia Oana Tabultoc
Hurricane Kyrie Mendél
Ana Dora Gaitanovici
For everyone Cezar Ouatu
Younique Andra Oproiu
Malere E-An-Na
Doina Eugenia Nicolae
The other half of me Eliza G
Do svidaniya Aris