Australia – What on earth are SBS thinking?

Dami Im at Eurovision

Now remember something here, SBS sent in their ideas for this staging months ago, and never said: “Oh, she’ll need to be on a granite cube, but how on earth is she going to get down from there??”

That’s whats happened. Dami was sat on this cube but the stagehands were clearly supposed to be hidden by a high camera angle. Hahaha no. That failed badly on the first two runs.

This is not a bad song… it’s just a 3 minute rolling hook and that is going to be the problem.

The business with the cube could go dramatically wrong like it did on a rehearsal in the live show. Juries, they will lap this up as an example of quality. Televoteres, I’m having trouble seeing this as a vote sponge, to be honest. It’ll qualify but after that, it’s anyone’s guess.