Baku, Baku…Crikey, somewhere new..

Crystal Hall/Crystal Ball (get it?)
Crystal Hall/Crystal Ball (get it?)

Christ almighty, we’re off to Baku two weeks on Friday!  How did that happen?  What happened to April?  Seems like just yesterday we were finishing off the national final season in Stockholm and now here I am thinking about dusting off my big wheelie bag and sorting through my various skimpy shorts and thongs for the beach bars and clubs of Baku.  They say it’s lovely this time of year…

I make a distinction there about my big wheelie bag as in my ‘day’ job I am an international air steward to the stars, well OK a cabin crew member on short haul for British Airways trolling round Europe with my small, ahem, wheelie…

And talking of trolling round Europe, I am absolutely delighted to be having a go at this blogging lark and hope we will be able to bring you some of the fun and frolics that no doubt we’ll be having in Baku.  My pen name of Rosé was adopted somewhere in the mid noughties and just kind of stuck. It seemed somehow fitting for someone like me with a penchant for all things wine related.  Sauvignon or Shiraz West just doesn’t have the same ring to it..

My job has taken me pretty much around the world in the last 14 years so how exciting to be going to a Eurovision Song Contest in a NEW destination!  Ironic too that BA has taken over BMI so I’ll no doubt be returning to Baku on numerous occasions in the future but for now, I am very very excited to be heading there in a little over two weeks.

This will be my fifth contest.  I lost my virginity in Kiev where I only flew in on the Friday morning before the final and was heading home Sunday lunchtime with the beeb and the UK delegation. I’ll never forget that feeling I had of being in the arena and just completely overwhelmed by the fact I was actually there. AT THE BLOODY EUROVISION CONTEST!  A contest I’d watched avidly all through my childhood with my mum and sis, making notes about the awful frocks, the frizzy hair and ill conceived dance moves, something I think we can all relate to.

My obsession level was raised somewhere around 2002 when I discovered that there was a eurovision night at the Retro Bar in London every month and I really haven’t looked back since.  There is no ‘off’ season anymore as I help to organise our beloved Second Cherry Song Contest every autumn, in fact we are kicking off our cherry picking tonight so I mustn’t stay on here too long.  Just wanted to say hello and let you know how excited I am to be going to Baku!  It really does get better each year and feels more and more like going off on your hols with a bunch of mates.

You’ll have read the blogs on the London party which I also helped out at.  It was a wonderful night, much more intimate than Amsterdam and my highlight was presenting Anggun her birthday cake and not having to spend most of the night in a pissy  backstage stairwell with Dana International and her ding dong..

More later everyone, here’s to a good year..

Jody  aka  Rosé