Mo’s Eurovision Countdown 2018 – Austria

Austria have followed the Bulgarian example and gone knocking on the doors of Symphonix International. And it shows.

Last year, the team produced something that sounded a bit special, a bit different. This year, both Symphonix songs sound like diluted versions of ‘Beautiful Mess’ – admittedly one has a lot more drums and there’s a gospel choir.

The Austrian Symphonix song reminds me of Paul Young’s 80’s album ‘No Parlez’ – which I loved at the time. It would have slotted in nicely somewhere in the middle of the second side (for anyone under the age of 30, pop albums worked like that. The ‘filler’ tracks were dumped where they caused the least damage).

I imagine that Cesar will make a decent fist of the upcoming Eurovision preview parties and wow those who attend with his vocals, but I have the feeling the staging in Lisbon will let him down.

For me, there’s something about this that makes it sound  vaguely familiar … if others feel the same, it could feel like three minutes looking of someone trying to turn the judges’ chairs on ‘The Voice’.

It all gets a bit kitchen sink when the gospel choir pitches up, and things descend into a sing off. I’m not sure how that’s going to work in Lisbon with the EBU’s beloved (but out of touch) six-on-stage rule.

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[…] set to become the new Ralph Siegel, with two songs in the 2018 line-up. Sebastian Arman co-wrote Cesar Sampson's song. Joacim Persson and Dag Lundberg are part of the team behind […]