Mo’s Eurovision Countdown 2018 – Lithuania

Ieva has a lovely voice, one that brings to mind the late, great Dolores O’Riordan. Add to which I already know she’s a damn good live performer.

The song itself is deceptively simple, and if I’m honest maybe slightly too repetitive – not that this is always a bad thing at Eurovision. You don’t have long to impress and repetition will make a song stand out.

On that basis, it does indeed feel like ‘When we’re old’ will stand out, sandwiched as it is between the Czech Republic and Israel. It’s certainly the most honest and heartfelt ballad on offer this time out.

There is talk of overlaying special effects on-screen as Ieva performs, and I hope that doesn’t blow up in the face of Lithuanian TV. I’d suggest hiring two professional dance couples, one younger, one older and have them share on-stage time. The backing singers can hide off stage, after all.

It’s their strongest entry in years, and deserves to spend the whole evening near the top of the scoreboard.

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