Georgia is the Eurovision equivalent of Millwall Football Club, not in the fact that as a country it has a history of beating people up, but the Georgians can do what they want cos, well, Georgia innit.
This year is no exception – they have turned their nose up at conventional wisdom, and entered something they like. Sadly, though, unless you like Ethnic-Jazz you might as well run away and cry.
Vocally, it’s a very difficult song to sing – and that will help in its quest for jury votes, but there is nothing for your very average televoter to get excited about.
The song develops nicely though, and goes through all of the changes of pace you would expect, but leaves me with a feeling that I’ve sat through three minutes of an Evening Hymnal at St Albans Cathedral – rather than three minutes of entertainment in Lisbon.
It’s “nice” and its different but it’s target audience isn’t the general synod. It just doesn’t make me want to pick the phone up and, sadly, I suspect that will be its downfall.
Phil’s score – 3 points.
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