There’s an in-joke within many Eurovision fans that you could pluck a good number of Melodifestivalen rejects and they’d still beat lots of the other entries on offer. Estonia has taken that offer up this year. Well, kind of. They’ve plucked a singer who previously made it to the 2015 Andra Chancen round, but the song is, of course, new this year.
The song, in fact, is co-written by 2015 entrant Stig Rästa, the man behind the supremely cool ‘Goodbye To Yesterday’. With Juri Pootman’s 2016 ‘Play’ also under his belt, Stig is rapidly becoming the Fredrik Kempe of the Eesti Laul.
So, what of the song? It’s a well-trodden Eurovision theme of overcoming adversity, weathering the titular ‘Storm’, in the knowledge it’ll all be alright in the end. It’s a familiar sound as well, upbeat, with more than an echo of the late Aviici.
There’s part of me wants to see this as a bit trite, something we really have heard all before, but bloody hell is it catchy! I don’t reach for it when I select a track to play but I can’t help enjoying it when it comes on the shuffle. There’s a heck of a lot of songs that could go either way in the first semi-final, and this is right in there among them.
Monty’s score: 7 points