Certain countries often send music in a particular stylee year after year. You must know of several that do that. But just occasionally they shock us with something completely different.
Our friends in Albania often send young ladies to Eurovision to sing for victory. But when they don’t, it’s usually something that grabs you by the you-know-whats and says “we’re not demure ladies”. In 2013 they sent today’s birthday boy Bledar Sejko, along with his pal Adrian Lulgjuraj. Their cutting edge choon didn’t quite make it through the semi-final, but they made an impression. We can only guess that the fans of Albano-pop weren’t watching TV on that crucial Thursday night. Maybe they were expecting a young lady. Or maybe they were at an Albano-pop gig instead, the fools.
Bledar is 50 today.
Gëzuar ditëlindjen, Bledar!