2 September – Draw me, draw me

Those fan favourites, eh? The ones that certain quarters of fandom rave about. Absolutely rave about. Then when said fan favourite doesn’t qualify they all threaten to give up following Eurovision in favour of bouldering. Well, maybe not.

In other news, our friends in Albania made the short trip to Torino/Turin in 2022 with a song that was a tad more bouncy that some of their other fare. Today’s birthday girl Ronela Hajati had the task of singing said song, replete with much dancing and gyrating. Ronela opened the first semi-final on that sunny Tuesday evening. A great opener you might think, but that position doesn’t always yield the desired result of making it to the Grand Final. But 80% of her votes came from televotes, so she must have been popular somewhere.

Ronela is 34 today.

Gëzuar ditëlindjen, Ronela!