Eurovision Countdown 24 – Czechia according to Mo

Aiko brings an eighties American punky girl band vibe to Eurovision. I sort of expect the vocals to be ropey live, but I’m not sure that will matter much. As a song, it’s not bad, just a touch too derivative of times long since gone. Music best suited for use in the background of a Netflix eight-part drama about life on a Deptford council estate in 1984.

I’m not offended by the package as a whole – I grew up buying this sort of thing from the ex-chart bargain bin in Woolies – but I’ll wait to see it live to fully judge.

Right now, I’m left a bit cold. There are way better ‘rock’ songs this year, and this one is way too nondescript to stand out when Prunella from Haarlem is texting her votes.

Oh, and the ideas run out quite a while before the song does.

Five PointsIt’s one of those songs where I wanted the chorus to be way more than it turns out to be. That and I’m not sure who the audience will be for an entry like this.


OnEurope Countdown to Eurovision 2024

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Bart Remmers
Bart Remmers
10 months ago

Prunella from Haarlem. She is my neighbour.