Phil’s Eurovision Countdown 2019 – Part 10 – Czech Republic

If ever there was an band who you could imagine releasing a third album full of songs like this, it’s Lake Malawi. This is a typical filler track. It’s inoffensive enough, it has an earworm of a hook and certainly gets you remembering the title, but for me that’s not enough to actively vote for it.

There is also Mockney which, as regular readers will know, I cannot stand in a song, and the lead singer’s voice tends to become somewhat whiney the more I hear it.

Has it got any redeeming features though? Struggling.

People tell me it’s modern and radio-friendly, which is a problem in a televised contest, one would surmise. It reaches for the younger voter but, sadly, they have far better things to listeb to in this contest.

It’s  not exactly pleading for your votes, rather nagging you into it and that cannot be a good thing.

What was it called again?

Phil’s Score – 4 points

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5 years ago

it’s not bad but it misses that something that grab my attention.
I am not hating it, just not liking it enough to vote for it.
It doesn’t really matter for me if it qualifies or not, and that, pretty much sums up my lack of interest in this song