Nick’s Eurovision Countdown 2021 – Estonia

I seem to have caught up with the team so I can kick it down a notch and switch to one per day. Phew!

ESTONIA – Uku Suviste – The Lucky One

Oh alphabetical hell, why do you mock me so? I’m writing this still in a bad mood from Denmark, and Uku is not the right person to raise my spirits. They must really like him in Tallinn and Tartu, because to my mind that’s two years running he’s turned up with a worthy yet worthless plodder that’s going nowhere.

Now don’t get me wrong, it’s well staged plod. There were certainly details in the Eesti Laul performance that caught my eye, where some countries *glares in general direction of country of birth* might have misguidedly said It’s a great song and it will stand on its own merits! Spoiler: it’s not, not particularly, and it wouldn’t.

Three of the longer minutes in this year’s lineup. As I write the running order has yet to be set, but I wouldn’t be shocked if the producers double down and put Uku in the Ari Olafsson Memorial Draw of Doom again to perform 2nd. I don’t expect this to trouble the Saturday show.

[Addendum] – Oh boy, not only does it indeed get the Draw of Doom, it gets the Draw of Especially Doomed “Hang on… was that Flo Rida? It CAN’T have been, surely? I’ll spend the next three to four minutes looking it up. They’ll fly by.” Superdoom.

Oh dear.

Nick’s Score: 4/10

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[…] song is making Uku look more comfortable singing it (which is what you need) and he is, in the Eesti Laul performance, still acting out the emotion throughout the song a bit woodenly (yes that’s a word people), so […]