Sudden Lights – Aijā
Latvia, factfans, have only qualiied twice from their respective Semi Final in the last thirteen contests. But why is that? – I mean some years they have just put any old shit through but sometimes they come up with a genuine nugget of talent that, inexplicably, fails to get through.
Sudden lights could be the latter. The preview video is too clever by half, trying to be all modernist and edgy in an empty swimiming pool with people clearly trying to be either “solid, liquid or gas” in some sort of science experiment. Musically it’s all very “Britpop” which is clearly a nod to the host country but, for me, it just goes on and on and instead of engaging me, it drives me round the bend in boredom. For me, it just goes nowhere for three minutes. I cant in all honesty see who is voting for this. Milenials, probably.
Phil’s Score – 2 Points