Phil’s Eurovision Countdown – Part 32/37 – Slovenia

So let me set the scene dear reader – we have all moved to Lund for a contest everyone is boycotting and we are travelling to Gothenburg for a right day out.  Slovenia comes on Shuffle and one of our number looks straight at me and says “ Well she’s the bride of Beelzebub”

It really is hard to argue with logic like that so I didn’t bother.  All I will say in this songs defence is that Bojan must have thought it was a good idea at the time to enter another song for Eurovision – Sadly he forgot his sparkly pink song writing pants and gave us the, seemingly, twelveteenth witch at this contest,  The USP with this one is that it is about the first person to be tried as a witch in Slovenia..

Three pointsSadly the ducking stool has NOT been provided and I suspect Raiven would fail the test anyway – she fails the singing test as far as I am concerned with this one as well.  It’s not for me.


OnEurope Countdown to Eurovision 2024

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