When scoring 0 just isn’t bad enough

So we move from Portugal across the continent to Turkey, land of contrasts and a very complicated language. Back in 1987 (I know, they had contest then too, right …) TRT held a national final with ten songs of varying quality and several regional juries to cast their hard-earned votes.

Sadly, however, the quality was clearly not up to much, as the juries actually only voted for TWO songs. The winner Şarkım Sevgi Üstüne is clearly a classic and will go nowhere near the vault (!)  … but this one – catchily entitled “Paydos”. Google lovingly translates that as “Recess” – and I think it means a break rather than a fireplace.

The action starts at about 90 seconds in, and boy it’s well worth the wait. If you like tracksuits, this is the one for you!