Well we managed to survive it, the first Super Saturday of Eurovision 2022 but if you’ve been out – or under a rock – or literally not near a computer. What did you miss?
Lets start with this shall we? – Michael Ben David won the XFactor final and will sing his male empowerment song ” I.M” (yes you definitely *are* Michael, no doubt about that!) which to my nose smells like Fuego – the fragrance for all bangers.
Italy have gone back to what they know. Mahmood. He, arguably, should have won with Soldi and this time has teamed up with Blanco to win all three sections of the voting in Samremo. If Israel is “in your face” then this is the other side of the same coin. The tenderness of this song (Translated as Chills) has the potential to upset just as many people as I.M for many of the same reasons. Personally I prefer this method of storytelling rather than the Israeli version.
Melodifestivaln, may people’s idea of what a national final should look like, kicked off with a bit of a technical hitch, and I don’t mean Oscar Zia and his very bad presenting style. The much vaunted App vote which should have given us an age breakdown and some points to see at the end of it… failed.. meaning that good old fashioned telephone votes only were used to decide the 2 qualifiers.
I’m not allowed to put either of the songs that went straight through up because they get taken down from youtube but here is one of my favourite songs – and no, she can’t spell!
I *certainly* can put the Norwegian qualifier up, however, because NRK aren’t all uppity and stuff!
Literally everyone else that hasn’t qualified already gets another go this coming week.
17 down to 10 in Latvia on Saturday and I am reliably informed by friend of this site Mr Hacksaw that not many, if any, of them were any good! – Some things never change. Well, this changed. they censored the only decent line.
The Second Semi Final in Lithuania also took place where there was a runaway winner it seemed. We are now down, thankfully, to our final eight songs who will battle out to not come last in their Semi Final in Turin.
The First and Second semi finals of Eesti Laul were also over the extended weekend period. Sadly two of my three faves are out.
But there are still ten songs that will fight for the ticket including this and I cant for the life of me think why I like it?
Six out of the 10 songs qualified for their final
North Macedonia
No strangers to controversy, the Macedonian’s came up with a tie for the win on Friday night which was resolved, bizarrely, by the jury scores – something not right there me thinks?
Thankfully ( thank the lord) we get to Ireland who went back to The Late Late show to pick it’s winner. After looking in it’s own navel for the intro have Ireland done enough to get them out of the Semi final? They think they have. Me? – Not so sure.
Thank you all for coming and visiting this charabanc of a site, it’s greatly appreciated 😉