Again, another song that I love from a country that has a less than stellar record in the contest. There is an argument that they are due a win but, sadly, it’s not going to be with this one.
And that is despite this being a great little song with a fun group singing it and, again, all the colours on their featured LED wall behind Lara and her chums. Vocally it’s good too with all the partiipants being able to sing, as we have found out between takes with some gargling and warming up exercises happening.
Unfortunately for me they have chosen to to recreate their preview video by dancing with umbrellas but there is some light choreo in this one., and then when Jovan starts rapping he does unnecessary hand movements which are supposed to exentuate the rapping bit but look a little bit 90s for my taste. The English part is not shoe-horned in which is good, it clearly feels like a planned move.
Despite all of this good stuff, I am left feeling like I want MORE from this song , especially in the middle 8 )some louder clapping would help it out I think, and the performance and the abrupt ending to the song comes as a little surprising, It’s a splid nbit of fun but I think it might finish lower than it deserves to.