21 January – Irradiate peace, irradiate light

Do you ever wonder why some people from one country end up representing another? There have been some strange alliances built over the years. The one between Latvia and Burkina Faso springs to mind. Look it up if you’re not sure.

The alliance I’m looking at today is that between Andorra and the Netherlands. A low country with a high country. Well, if your Dutch, maybe you don’t always want to be somewhere flat. So why not go to the highest capital in Europe. That’s what today’s birthday girl Marian van de Wal did. She actually ran a hotel with singing as a sideline. Hers wasn’t a good year for the co-principality. But at least she had a go. And she got a maximum. How many singers can boast that?

Marian is 49 today.

Feliç aniversari, Marian!