Mo’s Eurovision Countdown 2018 – Cyprus

I’m going to put aside the fact that Panick Records seem to film all their Eurovision videos in much the same big room, this has a bit of a Melodifestivalen feel – and not just because it’s from a Swedish songwriter.

It’s certainly not a bad song, though after the first chorus, I feel I’ve heard all Eleni has to offer. After that it’s a bit more strutting, some autotune vocals, drum machines and repeat until you hit three minutes. Formulaic is the best word I can find to describe ‘Fuego’.

It’s going to be a big end to the first semi-final, and that’s surely in its favour.

It beats recent Cypriot entries into a cocked hat – and it’s a billion miles better than the Greek song, but it’s still not quite my cup of anise.

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