Mo’s Eurovision Countdown 2018 – Italy

Since coming back to the fold, RAI has done well at Eurovision. Last year, everyone was so sure we’d be packing our bags for Rome by now, and yet the ‘sure-fire winner’, the one that simply couldn’t lose ended in sixth place.

This year, there’s less of a buzz around the Italian entry – no gorilla for one thing. Ermal and Fabrizio turn in what I’d call a fairly typical Italian Eurovision entry. It reminds me of the old days when there was a certain expectation at the RAI that they’d do well, just because they were taking part.

The video sends a message, and that’s obviously pretty much going to be lost without LED screens to carry the words on stage. The performers are fairly typical gravel-voiced lotharios in tight trousers with tousled hair. The itself song pulses and builds. There are a lot of words, and this alone lends it an air of student politics. Something terribly worthy, but lost on most viewers.

It’s not going to shame anyone, but neither will it put Italy in the running for their first win since giving Eurovision another chance.

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