So, with the Eurovision bunting safely packed away for yet another year, what did we learn? Our team spent two weeks bringing you the magic and glory of the business we call show, live (or thereabouts) from Kiev. Their pearl of wisdom might be that cheese with inbuilt bacon is less of a good idea than you might think.
But what about the rest of us? Here are ten things to store away and quote next year when the fan forums become intense.
- A runaway favourite that can’t possibly lose will almost certainly come sixth.
- If a country name starts with F, it’s going to under achieve.
- It’s possible to convince yourself that coming fifteenth is a good thing.
- Loreen lost it years ago.
- Ralph Siegel isn’t dead, he’s been suspended in time – and that time is 1983.
- Fast food fireworks are so last year, darling.
- All your friends will ask you why Australia is taking part.
- If you show your arse on prime time telly in Ukraine, you could go to jail.
- The interval now lasts an entire weekend.
- If you put diversity in the slogan and employ three white male cisgender presenters, everyone will notice.