25 July – I’ve bought a brandy

Neighbours. Everybody needs good neighbours. Some of our favourite countries have them, others not. And it is said in some quarters that you need neighbourly voting to win at a certain song contest.

I say this because there must always be high hopes when one country just needs to hop over the border to participate in another. In 2019 it was tricky, of course. But back in 1966, three countries were able to hop over to Luxembourg. Yeah, I know we had a plucky little Belgian yesterday too, but today’s birthday girl Tonia (née Arlette Antoine Dominicus) had a pleasant little song about seasonings and witchcraft, and I could hardly refuse something in glorious black & white. Tonia finished fourth, and at one point was leading (after the first set of votes). Nevertheless, if you don’t smile when you watch the video, you must be a bit of a meanie.

Tonia is 72 today.

Bonne anniversaire/Gefeliciteerd, Tonia!