Monty’s Eurovision Countdown 2023 Part 5 – Azerbaijan

Tell Me More by TuralTuranX.

Our first glimpse of Azerbaijan’s entrants was a photo and short video of what looked like a couple of, well, quite earnest twin brothers. Even their official publicity photos on the Eurovision website depict them like a couple of sweater models that could have been plucked from any mid-80s edition of a Grattan catalogue. Neither looks seemed promising for a Cleopatra-style bonkers banger.

We should never judge a book by is cover, of course, and whilst this is no banger it’s deceptively endearing. With influences from the 60s to the 90s it’s a guitar-driven indie pop track that draws you in to the song and the twins as performers.

Sonically and sartorially the brothers throw more than a nod to The Beatles. It’s an entirely unsubtle reference to the Contest being held in Liverpool which I’m not sure feels as uncontrived as they hope it to.

It may not be the banger this pop boy would prefer but Eurovision’s always been home to the geek and there’s more than enough room in this broad church of music for a couple of nerdy looking lads to find their place.

My marks: 6 points