Next to face a grilling from Timur are The Busker from Malta.
The boys say they are tired after all their on-stage exertions. They seemed to be happy when they saw the show in the viewing room, something that they did not expect, but a few choreography changes needed to happen. They rehearsed extra late night from 7 pm – 11 pm hence their tiredness. I wonder if “rehearsing” is in air quotes?
Shaun’s favourite thing is to stay at home or Chill with the boys, so he leaves parties early – the little scamp! – They then explain that the song is about taking care of yourself and not putting yourself in situations you do not want to be in….. like a televised music contest, perhaps?
If they were stuck on an island with three acts (Malta?), they’d want to be stuck with; they say Luke Black and his prop (they got connected with his character), Mae Muller and Wild Youth ( Apparently, they like to joke around – yes we’ve seen their stage outfit!). The boys then said they “Danced to their own party” (See what they did there) at the MSFE Afterparty.
Are the sweaters hot? – Apparently, they are, and the sweaters now smell horrible – I’m sure there is a market for that kind of thing, boys! Questions stay on fashion – What are your fashion tips? – Wear coloured socks, baggy t-shirts and rose-tinted glasses… Man alive that was worth waiting for!
They reckon they can make some money busking in Malta in May, but it depends on the day and where you are… The most they have collected on the streets was 1300 Euro – that’s actually very impressive.
They watch the contest every year (Right answer) and mention Chiara and Julie, and Ludwig as standing out for them. In the food stakes, it’s 2 for having pineapple on pizza ( Shaun and Dave) and one without. They seem to have had this question asked several times before.