So glad you asked!
As you know technical rehearsals have come to an end here in Tel Aviv town, so my days will be filled with falafel and hummus and all sorts of holiday things.
My nights, however, will be dedicated to YOU, my loyal and long suffering viewer. Here’s a sneaky peak as to what we have planned.
Monday 13th May – Jury Show – Semi-Final One – 21:00 CET
Join me for a live blog of the jury final, as it happens with me ranking the songs like a juror would … a wayward juror, but a juror none-the-less.
Tuesday 14th May – Semi-Final One – 21:00 CET
Mo will be live blogging from his sofa surrounded by salty snacks and gin. Get there early before he becomes incoherent.
Wednesday 15th May – Jury Show – Semi-Final Two – 21:00 CET
A lovely repeat of Semi Final one with me doing the same again.
Thursday 16th May – Semi Final Two – 21:00 CET.
If Mo hasn’t joined an Icelandic BDSM cult, he’ll be back with more snacks, and this time his tipple of choice is likely to be vodka, in honour of Sergey.
Friday 17th May – Jury show – Grand Final – 2100 CET
I started … so I’m determined to finish with one more live blog, sticking my neck out and making predictions.
Saturday 18th May – Eurovision Innit!!