Norway: Rein Alexander for Trondheim

Tonight from Norway, we had another fantastic show in the Norwegian MGP 60th anniversary special tour of the country.

This semi final, held in the same place as all the others, had songs from composers and/or singers from the East of Norway.  They were divided into two semi finals and the winners of each went head to head in the so-called gold final.

Results below, as you would expect!

1NAPOLI"Don't Let Me Down"2359
2Sasha Zaharik"Rocky Road"4268
3Anastasiya Malashkevich"Invisible"84125
5Nastya Glamozda"Burning Again"11210
7Yan Yarosh"Fire"126182
8Angelika Pushnоva"True Love"55106
9Darya Khmelnitskaya"On Fire"00011
10АURА"Barani svajo"37107
11KeySi"Chili Pepper"78154
12VАL"Da vidna"1010201